Monday, September 12, 2011

Best Parts

Here are my very favorite things about teaching.
  • Talking about reading and writing all the time.
  • Being consulted by boys about their plans for the big dances. It's cute how much it means to them to impress their dates.
  • Getting little thank you notes in journals and emails and Digimon cards and yearbook pages.
  • Having opportunities to help people every single day.
  • Seeing the smiles on the faces of kids who have been struggling but who finally get it.Link
  • Doing service projects with my National Honors Society kids.
  • Hearing about how students apply what I teach them (semi-colons in text messages, research papers about family vacation destinations that win them parental pride and money for the trip, etc.).
  • Going to pep rallies and assemblies.
  • Seeing someone I recommended a book to read it and love it as much as I did.
  • Working with other English teachers; they are kindred spirits.
  • Watching my seniors walk at graduation.
  • Knowing that, if I do it right, I can make a difference in the world.
Sometimes it's hard. But mostly it's great. I love what I do, and I'm glad that I get to do it.


The Wrights said...

I think it's cute that the boys come to you for consultation regarding the big dances. I bet you're an amazing teacher. Miss you.

Katie E. said...

This was AWESOME! Yea for teaching!

coolmom said...

I'm glad you love what you do! Everyone should be able to do what they love and get paid for it!!!