Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Still Alive, Which is Pretty Impressive

Hey guys. I'm writing this post with great anticipation. I am sincerely excited for 2011 to come to an end. It's been kind of the worst.

2012 is looking like it has some potential, though. Here are some things that seem to indicate that it will be a significant improvement upon the current year:
  • Mike and I seem to have finally figured out a more or less bearable schedule wherein we will get to spend some actual real time together on a regular basis.
  • As a result of us spending real time together regularly, we might even start spending time with other people on occasion. Social life! We're back!
  • I get to have my same class schedule in the upcoming school year. Yay!
  • We're going to New York City in January! The joy from that will probably hold me over for quite some time.
  • I have promised myself to quit working on school things at home (except for essays).
  • I am going to have hobbies. Hobbies, people. Probably ones most people think are lame, but hobbies, nonetheless.
  • We will both be turning 25, which seems like a cool age.
So, life is looking up. Maybe I'll even post on my blog more that 10 times a year... We'll see.


Nemesis said...

Hobbies, huh? Am excited to see which ones you choose! Let me know if you ever want to learn to knit. I may suck as a teacher, but I'm willing if you are!

Aubrey said...

Knitting would be fun! I think we should try that.