Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm Trying Something New

So... this summer...

I've had a lot of conflicting feelings about what to do with myself. This hasn't been a problem for me for a long time. Here's what I've done the past few summers:

2006- School. I took all the pre-requisites for my major so I could apply the fall of my sophomore year. That would include: British Literary History (to 1500), American Literary History, Introduction to English Language (a linguistics class), and Fundamentals of Literary Interpretation. You know, the light stuff. I used to have this goal of graduating from college in 3 years. I can't remember why. I did it in 4, but it was a 5 year program, so I still feel good about that.

2007-A whole lot of working. After so much school the year before, I, for some reason, thought it would be very refreshing to work 10 hour days at the library and then get Friday off. Yay, three day weekends every week! Nope. 10 hours is a very, very long time at a library. (Luckily, I worked with awesome people- hey guys, thanks for reading!)

2008- Class/working. Over the summer I had my YA literature class and a film and literature class. They were so fun and awesome and great! The reading load was kind of heavy, and reading 40 books in 8 weeks was kind of time consuming. I'm also pretty sure that I had some sort of sleeping disorder, because I was tired all the time. So, I was either sleeping or reading basically all the time. Not so bad.
2009- Be unemployed/date future husband. Which was actually a whole lot of work as I was applying for jobs left and right, dealing with constant rejection, and holding all these weird, random temporary jobs. Also, on a wonderfully bright side I spent my evenings with Mike doing fun things. That part was nice.

So, in conclusion, I am usually extra busy during the summer. I was planning on keeping very busy this year too. But, after having spent the last 9 months in high alert panic mode, I have been thinking about taking a break. It is new for me. It is a little strange and uncomfortable. But, I'm going to try it. I'm really not that good at it yet.

Before you judge, please know:
*I still get paid- yay!
*I have plenty of things to do. Like get ready for a big conference in Park City :) And help my sister get ready for MRU. And use the sewing machine my adorable husband bought me. And read books.

Okay. Now judge.


Jenny said...

Once, by some miracle, I had like a week and a half before school started up again where I had no job and no class and it was so amazing. I walked to the Provo Library every day and read books and went for walks and laid in the grass. It was amazing.

Enjoy the blessing in your life that is this summer, and share all those books you're reading! Also, this means you should have time to hang out with me.

Jenny said...

I don't think I used the word amazing enough. It really was.

Nemesis said...

Dude. Be a lady of leisure, who knows when you'll have a chance like this again? Live. it. up. :-)

Katie E. said...

And add "hang out with Katie because she'll be back tomorrow" to your list and have some fun and catch up on SLAs and enjoy yourself. I fully support this necessary break from always killing yourself with the work (because I, personally, never do that). Yea for free time!

Amy said...

I judge you to be very wise. Taking a break is good for your health. I only wish the break I am taking right now was a voluntary one. sigh. Unemployment sucks after a while. (It's great at first, though!)
Have a great summer!

Spitfire said...

Everybody deserves to have a summer off every now and again. I hope you make a list of everything you want to do and do it! Who knows the next time you'll get to. I used to wonder what I would do if I didn't have a job and whether I could survive that way or not. Now when I sit and think about it at work I have a never ending list of the things I could be doing instead. :)

Rebecca said...

You are amazing and I am so proud of the woman that you are!
Nice to see your cute face, even if it is just on the computer! :)
Becky Munson