Friday, January 16, 2009

just sayin'...

-fried rice should be considered a breakfast food
-it would be so, so sweet to run my own bagel shop/juice bar
-if muppets were real, the world would be a better place
-given the choice, I would rather sleep than do almost anything else
-I can't choose a favorite book
-Shakespeare is a genius, but I still hate 12th Night
-Victorian literature has some inexplicable, irresistable appeal to me
-I could be bribed to do almost anything for a slurpie
-custard is an underappreciated dessert food
-sometimes action movies don't make any sense to me. that makes me feel dumber than dumb
-it'd be nice if a certain someone would call and apologize (or never, ever, ever showed their face again)

and I know it's going to be the 2nd half of that, but... just sayin'


Amy said...

Action movies aren't supposed to make sense. They're all about the senseless violence. So the dumb one here is the script-writer, not you.

Aubrey said...

That is a HUGE relief. (and I'm serious)

The Wrights said...

Aubrey! Just wanted to say hi! I found your blog when I had my blocked...Miss ya!

Aubrey said...

Hi!! I'm glad you found me : ) We really need to get together soon! I hope things are going well and that Asa is feeling better!