Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year in Review

I really am not much of a New Year's observer. I tend to keep track of years by birthdays because it seems a little more personally relevant. But, the last couple of weeks I've been thinking about what an astounding year it has been, and I thought I'd list a couple of highlights/important moments. In no particular order...

*I read about 60 books in their entirety which ended up being about 15,330 pages. It doesn't really look that remarkable, but trust me... that's a TON of reading.

*I got a 4.0 during one of my hardest semesters of college and made the Dean's list (!)

*I did some incredibly big spontaneous things, like deciding to live all by myself (which has been wonderful and something I'd always planned on doing, and even though the real plan was to do it in Manhattan, this works for now) and quitting my job on a whim

*Won over 93 cute little 7th graders by talking to them about flesh eating bacteria, The Office, Twilight, and various video games.

*My car was seemingly totaled after it got high-centered on a bike jump (long story), BUT was miraculously resurrected (and for a lot less money than anticipated)

*Gave in to whatever strange sleeping disorder I have that makes me want to sleep all the time.

*Wrote the 1st ever (and worst ever) Weylandian short story with my good friend Lauren : ) I've never let so many cliches be attached to my name, but I'm proud of this one.

*Wrote 3 essays in French. That is tough stuff.

*Lived on almost only granola bars for like a week.

*Was labeled as the leader of a rebellion. You're laughing, but this is true.

*Wrote a radio ad that was actually broadcast (so what if it was only in Nevada?)

*Wore fake eyelashes for the 1st time ever (and hated them)

*Forgot about worrying about what people think me.

Sheesh... that's just the tip of the iceberg! On a related topic, I really dislike New Year's resolutions. I'm a very goal-oriented person, but I think it's better to be working on things like that the whole year and not just the first two weeks of January. But, if you're interested, here are some things I'm working on right now:

*Honestly expressing my opinions. I want to be an agreeable person, really, and for the most part I am, but I am really, truly going to stop pretending to like things that I don't. For example, I ate 1.5 Oreos today to be nice, but I hate Oreos, they make me gag.

*Remembering to check the oil in my car.

*Give people the benefit of the doubt. I keep finding myself being surprised by how wonderful people are, and I think it would save a lot of time to assume that they are wonderful and let them prove it one way or the other after that.


Amy said...

You got a 4.0?!?!!!
That is awesome, aubatree!
I am so proud of you. And your year sounds like a remarkable one. I should make a post like this...

Aubrey said...

Thanks : ) You know, it really was nice to think back about all the cool stuff that happened this year. There were a lot of really cool personal/non-blog publishable things too. I recommend it- it makes you feel great about your life because you've really truly done a ton!