Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hamlet Project = Complete!

I just barely finished this presentation for my big literacy conference on Monday. I have to present my inquiry unit on Hamlet. I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out. So, I'm posting it here. It probably doesn't make much sense without the accompanying explanation, but it's a little insight to the projects that keep me from blogging/cleaning/sleeping. You know. Enjoy!


Katie E. said...

Love it! You'll have to tell me about the presentation some time.

Lauren Mc said...

So fancy! I am sorry about the nightmares of your last post! I am glad you and your students are okay.

coolmom said...

That was really interesting and well done Aubrey!

Aubrey said...

Thanks! I'm really excited to present it tomorrow! I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes :)